The Leadership Collier Foundation (LCF), of the Greater Naples Chamber, invites all Southwest Florida community members to learn more about opportunities to get involved locally at the ninth annual “Get Involved Collier! Volunteer Expo.” The Volunteer Expo will be hosted on November 8, 2023 at Coastland Center from 3pm to 6pm. Registration is required, and there is no cost for non-exhibitors. Non-profit and government agencies within Collier County that have needs for board members, committee members, or general volunteer needs will have exhibitor tables. Guests are invited to network with representatives from these organizations about their needs, learn more about their mission, and see what might be a good fit for their valuable time investment.
Non-profit and government organizations with volunteer and/or board of director needs are invited to register for an exhibitor table. This opportunity is not for clubs seeking only to grow club memberships. There are also sponsorships available at different tiers, with information about sponsorship opportunities available to review.
The 2022 Volunteer Expo drew over 300 attendees, and included representation from 75 community organizations. Surveys of participants showed that 84% reported making a useful connection at the event.
For additional information and to register, click here or send an email.