Congratulations! You Might Already Have Your AA Degree Through Reverse Transfer.

rolled diploma in hand

A special contribution from the FutureMakers Coalition with Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW) and Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) to the Fort Myers News-Press wants students on track to finish their associate’s degree that they may already have earned that credential. As students transfer from FSW to FGCU to pursue a bachelor’s degree, they may think any progress towards an AA is left behind. These schools want you to know, that’s not the case.

The traditional way people think about applying credits when switching schools is called “vertical transfer.” That means if you have earned a certain number of credits towards a bachelor’s degree, you take those credits and count them towards that degree goal as you finish more coursework. Have you ever heard of reverse transfer? It turns out, credits go both directions! When you start successfully completing classes at your new school, you can add those credits to the ones you’ve already accumulated. While still on your way to earning a BA or BS, congratulations, you just got your AA.

FSW and FGCU, along with FutureMakers, Future Ready Collier, and dozens of regional partners, want to do everything possible to help students earn degrees, certificates, and credentials. The benefits to your career options and earning potential are significant. Now is a challenging time, with both students and workers reevaluating their choices. Please know, if you have earned any college credits in the past, they may be applicable towards a degree that opens new professional doors.

If you think school might be a good choice for you in 2021, please be sure to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known by its acronym, FAFSA. FAFSA is the most efficient and complete way to get access to scholarships and other financial support to make your dreams reality.

The article includes links to learn more about FSW and FGCU. Both institutions are here for you, and ready to help.




Prepared by Caroline Ridgway of C1B1 Communications.